Reading List

As the title of this section suggests, it is solely focused on creating a reading list. On the surface, this section has to be the most straightforward in the book, and yet the one I practice/experience the least. With the ever-growing importance of broadening my learning through reading, I wanted to focus on this section as it feels like the obvious place to start.

The idea of creating a reading list seems simple, yet so open-ended that it may also feel impossible. The section focuses on ways you can expand your reading list without feeling so overwhelmed with the endless knowledge that is available. When it comes to learning what books are important and useful enough to add to your list, it makes sense to ask mentors. Other online sources can offer reading lists from other people which may give a good insight of which books should be added to your list. The third way of finding useful sources was to pay attention to which sources are commonly referenced and cited in other readings. Seeing the same book cited multiple times can be a great indicator that it is an important book to add to your list. 

Having a list of which books to read next is a great way to stay organized however, having a reading list will also keep track of what books you have read. One of the points the reading made was that this list is also a reflection of your past reading habits. My list right now would reflect awful reading habits, and I must change that. When I first started to read through the patterns at the start of the semester I saw the entire chapter dedicated to reading and how important it was to broaden my education and craft with the use of reading. Starting a reading list from scratch felt like it was going to be an impossible task, with zero clue where to start or what books would be worth my time. With simple solutions provided by the reading, such as looking for likeminded lists from other people, asking mentors, and paying attention to the cited sources, I now feel way more comfortable with being able to develop my reading list.

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